Franciska goes in the living room and talks to the annoyance of her Vlashi. it shows that Ermali did not say anything about his outside. It says it will not proceed further with the meda and Vlashi advises not to allow Ermali use it.
"I do not want to continue on, to me is over" says Francis. Subsequently removed by advising Vlashi Francesca while she continues to stay there alone. rest of the inhabitants speak out for love by commenting their stories. Francis comes back out and sits Gentes and Matthey. It requires the help of Gentes ask meda go from room to sleep another because she does not want to sleep with me. Genta says it can not do such a thing and Francis says "ok, no problem." Françeskës Matthey says that she can not have certainty that there is a link Ermali out, as he sat beside the broken heart, but Francis says that he said so himself. Then people come in and start talking Françeskës for connecting with meda. Graciano Liami and harass the couple relationship between them given the story and the tears meda Françeskës. Francis was said that upset her before Ermali started to show his love, and asks Graciano meda why he continues to stay with Francesca at a time when there is a girl who's waiting outside. Ermali starts to cry and says that he simply continued to play that started Liami saying that he chose to inhabit only Francesca meda. Thus arises a strong debate in which all speak loudly and simultaneously.
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