Saturday, March 24, 2012

Genta Bb5 ... has two boyfriends in the same time

There was only a significant link in her life, for which alleged that he prefers not to talk much after having suffered disappointment. Gentiana Butter, residents of 22 - year-old father of Devoll village, her confessions about himself in 'Big Brother 5 "has mentioned the name of Rubens, as the former her boyfriend from Korca. 24-year-old
student of Informatics, recounts five years Genten connection, what lay behind her naivete, and how he felt when faced with the fact that it might have been parallel connection with another guy from Tirana.
Rubens, you're the guy who Gentiana has mentioned as the person who has had a serious relationship of her life, but left disappointed. Though you may be disappointed?
Yes, it is true that I and Gentiana we were together for 5 years and a half. We were high school friends at Heartland and connected to the moment when she entered the "Big Brother". I think I can be disappointed because he demanded serious relationship with me, which for which I have not been agreed.
Why have you not been agreed, which stood the problem?
The problem of the fact that an official connection means responsibility, and I do not like responsibilities. Plus the fact that there was Gentiana own set nor demanded why engagement with me, and wished that like me and want to be with me, or simply envious of her society? Her friends are betrothed and she always said: "Look, society is all my betrothal." But above all I would not throw one step further with Genten, as is the type that can not be trusted not for any moment.
If your families have been informed and agreed?
Both families were against engagement. Her family do not like to type, that all know that I am kind of unstable, and make life adventure. On behalf of my family have not had any problems directly with Gentianen problem I've been since I have not been determined.
On the other hand, it has defined as a single connection. How serious was this about?
Perhaps for Gentianen was serious, but for me not. I have not called such. Gentianen Connection was exactly like a playground toy, a toy and Genta my hands, so my preferred toys. I say this because I reached to buy female mind, to be able to do whatever you like then.
How close were you to each other, much time you spend together?
Seven months have coexisted in Tirana. She decided to leave the house last month and sent to live with some friends, who shared the rent. Ma asked this for the fact that only merzitej home and asked her canvas.
She stated that you have exercised regularly over the violence, it is true?
Depends what is meant by violence. But I can say that not everything I have given no reason. Received from him what I asked. I say this because it was the type who lie a lot, even before the mirror lying to herself. This was the reason that recently behaved cold, as always sincerity Gentes left to be desired.
You're jealous of her, when you were together, you have shown him this feeling?
Not jealous, but I requested account.
Meanwhile last week the "Panorama Plus" was published interview a guy who claimed he had about Genten. What to say?
I was not informed and was informed by the newspaper. I wonder how this can maneuver it to live such a parallel connection, while it was with me. But knowing the type of Gentes, accept the fact you may have about Avatar, because from what does not expect. However, this will be clarified when Genta out of the "BB".
You have attempted to meet with his son to urge clarification?
Not yet, but will do soon.
But by its Genta believes that it is sometimes felt betrayed by you?
Is not never felt betrayed. Despite the fact that I have betrayed, it is not felt bad, because it has never learned anything.
How would you define your relationship, you are loved?
Normal that are dearer than five years are not few, but a separation is not the end of the world. All of our relationship has been and continues to be an adventure, as much as our society does not understand what this is about. I did not even know if I love, I hate fixing or Genten.
You will wait for him when she brought from home?
What phone number I had, it would have. If you will it, can they find and meet me. There will not go to press, after entering them in the BB and myself will appear. I say this because I was no agreement for it to enter, and it took into account this risk, and decided to enter the BB.
She already considers an ex, are you?
I do not know if Genta when out of the house will meet or will deny me. But I say the right not to call the former, because at the last moment that has entered the "Big Brother" she has spoken with me. Genta lying when he says that there are certain months that are shared. Genta lying about everything, but the finale is sure
Genta looks as if the BB, the follow?
The following very brief and say that it is not that I knew I Genta, which by the way of speaking, dialect pronounced, the ingenuity that has Armenian and tears shed there. As far as I know Genten, it is not the type who cries.
What is her point stronger as players, are the weak points?
Its strong point is to pretend as naive, and weak points that could disqualify him, still do not know.
Genta stated above that many lies. What was the biggest lie of her?
She lies about everything, has an attachment.
Metin approaching her within BB-how will comment?
Precisely this is a big lie when Matthey says that I like that my boyfriend looks like Rubens, after not think Metin favor. While in terms of bringing the in the beginning it sought to create a connection inside, with the intention of anyone to appear in the side in the game, or to get rid of me. But apparently, many vari Matthey did not.
Thinks that it can create about any other guy inside?
No do not believe. None of the boys Needless its type, except the main reason that it still has not felt close work with me.
Why the BB entered Genta, what has ambitions for life?
Achieved what you wanted, her ambition was to become known person.
You see as a major contender in the game?
Certainly yes, I even heard that the finale is sure, as is the type that fits any situation. Genta really behave as naive, but in fact the girl is so smart, and her wisdom as we did wrong.

Melson Kurti, another love: SOP for me, I plan for serious relation
26-year-old Melson Kurti, ash-club manager in Tirana, it was he who threw the petrol fire a week ago, and stated that Genten of 2 months and was living a half open connections. He also published in the pages of "Panorama Plus" some photos, which shows the connection with Genten before it entered the game and photos that have performed together on weekends to go out in the Tirana club sites. That his statement came as a surprise, the fact that girls from Devoll Babani had mentioned the name of Rubens constantly, as ex-boyfriend of her. She told the house that Rubens had serious relationship several years, but were separated because he was disappointed, while the constantly violated. Melsoni in his interview with Genten claimed that he had an open connection in Tirana, as he traveled abroad and having an opportunity to consolidate ties. While after its exit from the house of "Big Brother 5", Melsoni claimed that it plans to continue the relationship with Genten, ultimately consolidated as a regular connection. (Marre from


  1. Kush e ka perkthyer kete interviste se na hapi zorret. Hiq dore utgjentisht nga anglishtja....

  2. perkthim i keq ne anglisht shum keq

  3. po mire more çte keqe ka te kesh 2 te dashur? Ka shume meshkuj te martuar dhe kane dashnore, dhe plot njerez qe kane jo 2 po 5 te dashur. Skeni me ca te merreni. Shifni B..Q qe kane plas gjithandej, se po shtohen dita dites
